Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Over night passage to San Carlos

It was just way too hot and muggy to stay in Santa Rosalia so we filled up with petrol at the Singular dock and took off across the Sea to San Carlos. We left around 7 pm and arrived in San Carlos at about 8 am. Two huge dolphins greeted us coming into the anchorage! This anchorage is full of boats but once again not many HOT...need I say more? The motor across the Sea was quite nice and for about 30 minutes we had a school of dolphins under our bow racing back and forth. They looked like lightning bolts flashing in the dark do they not crash into each other???
We haven't seen much of the town because Wayne came down with the flu and has been sick for the past 3 days. So, my journey ends here for the time being. He is on the mend and we will be going into town to find a farmacia.... ta ta for now

1 comment:

Jim and Heather on Meerkat said...

Gee - thought you would never get 6there...